< ReturnPosted by MillTechFX | 21 May 2024

The MillTechFX Corporate Hedging Monitor Q1 2024

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Introducing our brand new Corporate Hedging Monitor. Each quarter we will be evaluating corporate hedging activity, providing insight into influential factors including geopolitical movements and the impact these are having on UK and US Corporates.

In our first issue, we will be exploring:

  • Current hedging trends amongst UK and US Corporates
  • The main external factors influencing FX hedging decisions
  • How corporates plan to adjust hedging strategies as a result of the upcoming elections

This is the inaugural edition of the MillTechFX Hedging Monitor. The research shares the findings from a quarterly survey of 250 senior finance decision-makers at UK and US corporates (described as those who have a market cap of $50mil up to $1 billion) to provide a snapshot of corporate hedging activity and insight into influential factors and other key trends. The data in this report is from a survey conducted between 11-23 April 2024.

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