< ReturnPosted by MillTechFX | 4 September 2024

The MillTechFX North America Corporate CFO FX Report 2024

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Market volatility, geopolitical tensions, and macroeconomic challenges have all contributed to increasing uncertainty in the FX market.

In the second annual edition of MillTechFX’s North America Corporate CFO FX Report, we surveyed 250 senior finance decision makers to highlight key FX trends including:

  • The strong dollar keeping corporates on high alert
  • Hedging strategies in an increasingly volatile market
  • How corporates are preparing for the upcoming US elections
  • Reasons why All North American corporates are exploring AI
  • A comparison between US corporates and their Canadian counterparts

*This white paper examines the data and results of a survey conducted by Censuswide on MillTechFX’s behalf conducted between 14 June and 25 June 2024 of 250 CFO’s, treasurers and senior finance decision-makers in mid-sized corporates (described as those who have a market cap of $50mil up to $1 billion), in North America. 

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