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The MillTechFX Corporate Hedging Monitor Q3 2024
Post-US election: Are UK and US corporates optimistic about another Trump term, and how are they adjusting their FX hedging strategies following the result?
Find out this and much more in our Q3 hedging monitor:
- 94% of corporates are changing their FX hedging programmes due to the outcome of the US election.
- UK corporates are more optimistic than their U.S. counterparts regarding Trump’s return.
- Inflation rates was the top external factor influencing FX hedging decisions in Q3.
The MillTechFX Quarterly Hedging Monitor research shares the findings from a quarterly survey of 250 senior finance decision-makers* at UK and US corporates (described as those who have a US market cap of $50mil up to $1 billion; UK market cap £39.53m-£790.5m) to provide a snapshot of corporate hedging activity and insight into influential factors and other key trends. The data in this report is from a survey conducted between 7-18 November 2024.